Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday to Monday in a nutshell

Sat around,watched t.v., made some skits, planing our you tube account, already got tons of hype from friends and friends of friends and so on.
Was going to go shopping for skinny jeans (preferably gray so as to dip-dye the bottom half Burgundy) instead wound up going grocery shopping.
Whilst my brother got to go to a big concert with my grandfather (he is a sound technician, so we get in for free, and get backstage passes to the coolest new bands) which sucked like a blood thirsty vampire.

Sunday ;
went to church, went shopping for real this time, didn't buy any clothes, although i bought a packet of build-your-own-monster stickers for 50 cents that are really cool, and a new note book (i can never have enough, I'm always have one or 3 with me)
Grammy went tanning, we were going to have a party, but our aunt and uncle's plane was delayed, so we went through 5 hours of getting ready, and yelling at each other.
Learned that one of my friends who lived with his dad, the rest of his family moved in from California, where supposedly he has tons of famous friends.

hanging out, had to clean a bit, because the aforementioned party is planed for tonight.
watched some mad TV, read "the princess bride" , ate some hummus and pita bread
(best snack ever) blog a bit and check my e-mail.
Talked to mom for a bit, she invited said friend to dark night in imax as soon as we get home, so Zane (that's his name) and his brother, and mom and me and Josiah (my brother) and my mom's friend Terrell are going to see it.

All of sisters and my brother are gone at day camp, Josiah is at a robotics camp and Moriah and Mary are at a recreation camp, and as usually riah got a billion friends and Mary got shunned, and because I'm older i can watch my self, I'm alone ( except Darrel my uber cool step-grand father and black Sabbath playing really loud throughout our surround system)

Although i did realise the house is kinda of creepy with no one around and loud heavy metal.
Of course what do you expect it a really big house that is black and purple.

have to go.
i'll blog more later.

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